Difference Between Spore and Zoospore | Spore v/s Zoospore

These are produced after fertilization in sexual reproduction while zoospores are produced in asexual reproduction directly from the plant.

S. No.SporeZoospore
1.These are produced after fertilization in sexual reproduction.These are produced in asexual reproduction directly from the plant.
2.Each spore is single-celled and is covered by a thick covering to protect it from unfavorable conditionsEach zoospore is single-celled but is covered by a thin wall.
3.Cilia, flagella, etc. are absent in spores.Cilia or flagella are usually present in zoospores. These are organs for locomotion or active transport.
4.The spores can tide over unfavorable conditions and germinate into new plants.These develop into mature plants and cannot survive under unfavorable conditions.
Spore v/s Zoospore

Zoospores are motile asexual spores that are found in bacteria, fungi (Chlamydomonas, …), and protists. They use their flagella for locomotion. These spores are flagellated and possess different ultrastructural properties in different organisms.

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